Sunday, January 25, 2009

The 'Divine' in Arlynne

"The 'Divine' in Arlynne," 25"W x 19"H, pastel and charcoal on blue paper

Next I did a study, "The 'Divine' in Arlynne."  I discovered, once I had made this pastel, that the the Divine aspect I see within Arlynne is actually the Hebrew character of Ruth.  Although it's much more complex in terms of scriptural interpretation, and it's only part of what I see in Arlynne, one example is that in Ruth's life she faced difficult situations by delivering strength with hesed, or lovingkindness. 

It occurs to me underneath it all that if lovingkindness is genuine, it's actually our lovingkindness, our compassion, that helps us to be strong in the face of our difficulties, and not the other way around, but what do you think?  Do you see the 'Ruth' in it's dual nature as it expresses itself through Arlynne in this drawing too?

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