Thursday, August 11, 2011

"Mary in Amma in Kimberly" in progress

egg tempera on panel in progress
I'm again in the midst of adding more petals to this painting which now has an official title:  "Mary in Amma in Kimberly". Devi Bhava is a special evening darshan which celebrates the Divine Mother and the divine feminine aspects of God. Beginning with an Atma Puja for world peace and including the chanting of the 1000 names of the Divine Mother, and darshan from Amma as the Divine Mother, Devi Bhava concludes with Amma showering flower petals on everyone present as a final blessing. While the Devi Bhava flower petal ceremony traditionally includes flower petals of all kinds, I have chosen only rose petals for this painting because roses are not only Amma's theme flower, but also the flower that Kimberly loves most.
Although it's a bit long (approx. 8 minutes), I found on YouTube this sweet link about Amma's Devi Bhava. For those unfamiliar with Devi Bhava, the film shows only snippets, but perhaps it provides a glimpse for you of what this all night darshan encompasses: What is Devi Bhava?


Unknown said...

Simply beautiful Mona - such wonderful colours and a beautiful scene - oh what patience you have!!!

Mona Diane Conner said...

Thanks Karen, due to other commitments it's been moving slowly, but I'm looking forward to wrapping this one up with some oil highlights over the egg tempera once the petals and and background tone are more resolved.